For all of the grown-ups rolling their eyes right now and proudly stating that they have never done it themselves and – God forbid – not in a million years, not their precious offspring, I say…give me a break! Everybody does it and I find that is a very interesting subject, mostly because my sister Caroline is a big fan.

Eva Dante Caroline having fun

Eva Dante Caroline having fun

As I was getting kind of tired of hearing everyone screaming at her, “stop picking your nose” and my personal favorite, “stop eating your boogers,” I did some research of my own. Turns out, there are some theories out there, that boogers have a sugary taste precisely to entice children to eat them, because as some medical professionals propose, this action might boost the immune system. Of course, as with any theory, there are many pros and cons, but just to wipe that disgusted grin of your face, let me tell you that I found out, that we humans ingest our nasal mucus any way all the time – day and night. In fact, you might be ingesting some right now, when you are reading this article. Yummy? Apparently, we have these tiny noodles in the back of our throat, called cilia, that push back mucus. Boogers are in our noses to filter out dust and other harmful substances, but once the bad guys are stuck in the gooey mass, they are neutralized. So, once ingested, the boogers become natural vaccines. Yey for boogers!

So dear friends, as this naturally happens anyway, there is no need to manually take out your boogers from the nose and put them in your mouth…unless you like it. And as my sister and a lot more other kids out there happen to find this action satisfying, I say give them a break and let them happily…eat their boogers 🙂