Dear Cool Grown Ups,

I used to love Mondays. To me, a new week meant new adventures, new challenges, meeting my friends after the week-end, swimming pool in the afternoon with my little brother and sister. Nothing spectacular to you maybe, but to me it was just another reason to wake up smiling in the morning. Well, lately I have learned the adult expression “I hate Mondays,” because almost every grown up around me says it and plays by it: from the guard at the entrance of my school, tired at 8 AM already, to the nice lady selling ice cream at my favorite parlor, to the grumpy parents dropping off their kids while texting and applying lipstick, for moms, or looking sternly like all problems of the universe are upon their shoulders, for dads. It might just be my imagination, but even my dog Bug seems a little off on Monday.

I write here today to tell you that Mondays are fine. If I were to analyze exactly what happens to me on such a forsaken day, I might lose my excitement too: wake up early, history test, the annoying “cool” girl who cannot wait to make fun of me, Caroline messing up again! All the pieces of the puzzle I have been working on during the week-end. I, however, tend to see the glass half full and I recommend the same to you. If the bad and the good in your life were to get into a fair fight, the good would not stand a chance. Its army is almost always fewer in numbers, very susceptible to pessimism and sadness; its owner – and that is you, my friend – is never satisfied, not by the amount nor by the quality. That is why, for good to prevail, it needs your absolute trust, your optimism, your smile in the morning, your stubbornness to say, against all odds: “I love Mondays! It is a great day today!”

Have a great day, friends, and start your week right!

Mondays are just great!

Mondays are just great!