

You have already seen them in a lot of my videos and you can bet that you are gonna see more of them in upcoming posts and movies, but they haven’t yet been properly introduced.


So, here they are: sister Caroline and brother Dante. I am a big sister so the “by default” leader of our little gang. Caroline is almost 2 and a half and Dante is almost 1. They are by far two of my very favorite people, although we have our arguments about sharing toys, snacks and attention. “Privacy” is a word which does not exists anymore in our household, but I tend to look at the glass half full…more fun!

In a few words, Caroline is a tomboy, always preparing her next stunt. The minute you turn away for just an instant, there it is, her new master piece in permanent marker on the wall, or giving chocolate to the dog, or just hiding in the house giving everyone a scare. I never can get bored with her.




Dante on the other hand is very nice guy and a super cool dude. He is just learning to walk and talk and he can already melt a girl’s heart with his smile. I believe that he is trying really hard to stand on his own, because he absolutely loves dancing and he needs more moves.

Although I always yell at them when they invade my room, I secretly cannot wait for our pillow fights, hide and seek games, long walks and scooter rides.

Eva + Caroline + Dante = LOVE