In Love With A Yellow Flower

In Love With A Yellow Flower

The garden from where I am writing this post has been affected by a particularly dry season. Because of the drought, some plants died, others are struggling. My favorite cherry tree, which is usually so heavy with sweet fruit at this time of the year, did not produce a single cherry.

I imagine that, faced with the lack of water, some of the little flowers simply decided to give up. They looked sadly at one another, looked at the clear blue sky, sighed and whispered: “maybe next season…” However, this particular little yellow flower, did not follow the herd, did not go mainstream and took its chances. Her parents probably tried to stop the tiny seed, warned her against the dangers awaiting out there. Her friends told her that the rain will definitely not come and all her efforts will be for nothing. The old olive tree looked down on her in disapproval. But she did not look back. In the yellowish grass, it decided to spread its petals, use fewer drops of water to survive and brave the dry days, waiting patiently for…stormy skies. And today it blooms strong, taking in the fresh cool air, making a little girl smile and teaching her a few things about life.

Have a great week-end everybody!